How to Remove a Broken Drill Bit [A Complete Guide]

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Imagine drilling into a wall, metal, or wood, and suddenly the drill bit breaks off halfway through while making a hole. This can be a frustrating situation. But if you know how to remove a broken drill bit from a material, then the problem can be solved in few minutes.

how to remove a broken drill bit
Image by Michael Schwarzenberger from Pixabay

There are hand tools that are quite efficient, and these tools can help in removing the bits without any hassle. The hand tools are locking pliers, center punch, and an extractor. Now we will tell you in detail how to remove broken bits with these hand tools.

Also Read: Brad Point Drill Bits Buying Guide

How to Remove a Broken Drill Bit from Wood?

The best way to remove a bit is by using locking pliers.

1. First, start by wiping the broken end of the bit with a clean cloth. You can also coat the bit with lubricating oil as this will help in gripping the broken bit well with a pair of locking pliers.

2. Now, take the plier and place it on the broken end of the bit. Next, squeeze the handle of the plier and rotate it counterclockwise to loosen the broken bit.

It might be a little difficult to rotate the piler at first, but once the bit loosens, it will become quite easy in turning it. Continue rotating the plier until the bit is out of the wood.

3. Once the bit is almost out of the material, try wiggling it out gently and then pull the whole bit out. You can also use a screw extractor in case the bit doesn’t stick out. For a drill bit stuck in wall, you can use this method to remove it.

How to Remove a Broken Drill Bit from Metal?

If the end of the drill bit stuck in the metal sticks out, then you can try using a pair of pliers. But if the bit doesn’t remove by using a locking plier, then you have to use a screw extractor.

1. With a center punch, make a divot on the center of the broken bit. Make a small divot on the bit by tapping a hammer hard on the center punch. Next, take a small drill bit, it has to be smaller than the broken bit, and insert it into a power drill.

2. Place the drill bit on the divot of the broken drill bit and start drilling. Keep the drill bit aligned with the broken bit and drill straight down into the broken drill bit up to ¼-inch.

3. Now take a screw extractor and insert its cone-shaped tip into the hole of the broken bit, which was made by drilling. After inserting the extractor, secure it properly into the bit by striking the extractor with a hammer.

4. Take a wrench and place it at the top of the screw extractor. Now slowly rotate the wrench counterclockwise to remove the broken bit from the metal. Continue rotating it until the whole bit comes out.

Tip: Make sure to wear safety equipment before drilling and removing the broken bit because tiny metal pieces can fly at high speed while drilling the bit. So, to prevent any accident or injury, wear safety glasses and gloves.

How to Prevent Breakage of Drill Bit?

Before drilling into a hard material like steel or other metals, add a little oil to the end of the drill bit to prevent breakage and overheating of the bit. Apply adequate pressure while drilling and use the right-sized drill bit.

Don’t drill at high-speed, especially in hard materials, as it can break the drill bit. Try following these steps and the drill bit won’t snap off when drilling.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to remove a broken drill bit from a bolt?

If you want to remove a broken drill from a bolt, then take a carbide drill and drill from the opposite end. Keep drilling until you touch the tip of the broken bit and then punch it out.

How to prevent a drill from heating up?

When drilling, make sure to use the right speed and right drill bit. Always start from low-speed and increase the speed gradually. Don’t apply too much pressure while drilling and give the drill bit a break after using it for a while.

Which is the best way to remove a broken bit?

I feel using a locking plier is the best and easiest way to remove a broken bit, as there is less hassle in using it. But you can also use the screw extraction method if the bit doesn’t come out with pliers.

Wrapping It Up

Drilling is not a difficult task, but it becomes a hassle when the drill bit snaps off, moreover you have to spend extra time removing it. It is always better to learn the remedies beforehand so that you can take immediate action when the problem occurs.

So, by learning how to remove a broken bit,you can immediately solve the problem by using any above methods. I hope you can remove a broken bit, next time with ease, after reading this article.